Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Guns are like everyday candy in some neighborhoods

Over the weekend I was watching a show about the horrible violence that is taking place not so far from home. Mexico. I kept hearing that there was a shooting nearby, officer shot, you have to be careful, and seeing lifeless bodies on the streets. Police officers also took a reporter to a room where they hold confiscated weapons, which were mostly all American made weapons.

Many will disagree, but weapons are a great threat to our nation and there should be strict laws for someone to be able to obtain a weapon permit even more to own one. As Americans we like to have our freedoms and that is exactly what the Second Amendment gives us; the right to keep and bear arms.  According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation weapons are used in 67.7% of murders, and that is besides the weapons used in robberies, rape assaults, non fatal crimes, etc. Weapons seem to be an easy reach with several major shootings occurring this year alone. Many people are losing their lives or being injured by having careless/mentally impaired individuals able to get their hands on some of the most powerful machinery. Several states don’t even require people to obtain a permit to own a weapon, so how is that safe for our country? Teens, children, gang members, criminally prone people, murderer prone people can all own a gun basically without anything to stop them. I am not naïve because people should be precautious from dangerous people, but if guns weren’t freely available maybe there would be no need to carry a gun to defend ourselves. If government would implement strict laws for weapons our country might be safer. Weapons are needed, but are they really needed for anyone to obtain?

The National Rifle Association says that crime has been decreasing over the years in the U.S., but Mexico is having massacres on a daily basis. Most of their guns travel down through our borders. At guns shows in nearby border towns you can go in and walk out with an array of weapons and have no one question you and then the Mexican cartels will pay thousands of dollars just for one. Americans think that Mexico doesn’t concern us because we don’t live there, but it does. Many of our border towns are affected by these powerful criminals and some of our American people that travel there. Last year a woman and her husband were jet-skiing on a lake that is on the border of Texas and Mexico when her husband was shot by Mexican “pirates,” and that is only one of other violent run-ins with these criminals in that area.

Our weapons laws are way too lenient and our country is willing to take that risk.

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