Thursday, September 20, 2012

While the presidential election nears what are people going to base their vote on? On September 17, 2017, the San Antonio Express News published an article titled “GOP focuses on monthly jobs report, but do voters?” In this article The Republican Party (GOP – Grand Old Party) is anxiously waiting to see how the next couple of monthly job reports look, so they can use that in the election. The job reports are used to study how our economy is affecting our job rates and how those numbers might affect the next president to be elected. Now while politicians look at these reports normal Americans look at something else; they look at their communities. Pollsters are saying that Americans are paying attention to what is affecting their personal lives like gas prices, job shortages, and companies closing. Some individuals questioned in this article think that there hasn’t been much economic improvement since the election of Barack Obama, so they think this election might need a change.
  I found it very interesting in this article that that the government reported the income levels of the typical American family haven’t been this low since 1995. I, like most Americans in this article agree that for us it doesn’t take an official report to tell us that things are still very rough, so I think this article gives a good insight to what the average population is thinking, but also letting us know that there are some other factors that some people might want to consider while choosing a new president.

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